SIMON's Background
SIMON is a K-12 learning, student and administration software platform originally built by teachers who were frustrated using multiple clunky databases, with the sole purpose of supporting teacher practice (organisation, design, delivery, assessment, reporting, communication)
Beginning with one school in Ballarat, SIMON has grown to enhance the learning of more than 250,000 primary and secondary students across Victoria and South Australia in Catholic, government and independent schools. SIMON continues to be developed by passionate and committed educators.
SIMON operates as a business unit within the Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Limited (DOBCEL) who are a not-for-profit organisation.
As a not-for-profit rather than commercial enterprise, SIMON delivers a more cost-effective product for schools which ensures revenue is used for continual development in the interests of our partner schools.
SIMON’s philosophy is based around responding to the needs of users, with the development road map determined by the needs of educators and our business strategy guided by educational leaders who make up our reference committee.
All schools who engage SIMON are considered members of our SIMON community - all with a passionate focus on contributing to the success of our learners.

Diocese of Ballarat Catholic Education Limited (DOBCEL) is the company established by Bishop Paul Bird to become the governing body for schools in the Ballarat Diocese.
DOBCEL was established to fulfill the following objectives:
- To ensure consistency and professionalism of governance for parish schools.
- To ensure the continued pastoral ministry of priests in parish schools.
- To allow the ongoing engagement of parish and local communities.
- To ensure effective and transparent stewardship of education resources.
- To allow the Diocese of Ballarat to address Recommendation 16.6 of the Royal Commission (that parish priests are not the employers of principals and teachers in Catholic schools).
- To allow Catholic education authorities to meet the Victorian Government’s requirement for organisations that receive government funding (including schools) to be governed by incorporated legal entities.

DOBCEL Board Strategic Priorities 2020 – 2024:
- Embedding a culture of child safety in our Diocesan Educational Communities by promoting best practice in a child safe environment.
- Witnessing the gospel values defined by the Catholic tradition by promoting formation for mission.
- Establishing and ensuring clarity in our vision, ethos and strategic direction by being a competent Board.
- Building a culture of full engagement by respecting the dignity and voice of all in our community.
- Being responsive to the “cry of the earth and the cry of poor” by supporting and promoting initiatives and programs.
- Being an empowering Board by supporting and strengthening leadership across our Catholic Education community.
- Being innovative and creative in promoting efficiency and accountability by having high expectations and being transparent in our actions.
- Planning for the future and being pro-active by developing resourceful, diverse, and innovative responses, policies and programs.
Ready to see SIMON in action?
Get in touch to learn why leading schools use SIMON
Our customers are the reasons we thrive

"SIMON is a fantastic product. It is teacher friendly for roll marking, report configuring and writing. The SIMON Support Team are always helpful and know their products well. Nothing is too much trouble."
Cate Olive
SIMON Administrator, Teaching and Learning

Our learning community loves using SIMON. Teachers, Middle Managers, Leadership and Admin all find it accessible and easy to use. It is a Learning Management system with the lot. The add-ons like Data Analytics are excellent. Most importantly, their Support Services are exemplary.
Claire Nailon
Deputy Principal, Teaching and Learning